Accordion Bass Scales – Melodic Minor
The melodic minor is the best scale! – It’s different on the way up to the way down – on the way up it ends like a major scale and going down it uses the notes of the natural minor.
I also have posts for Harmonic Minor and Major scales, and there is quite a good article on the differences between minor scales on Wikipedia
Transposing Basses
This tutorial teaches Am or “A minor” but as you probably know by now the Stradella Basses are a transposing system so to play a different melodic minor scale just start on the right note on the bass row and make the same movements.
First of all, the Video
Left Hand Fingering for Melodic Minor Scales on Accordion
As usual there is more than one way to play and finger a melodic minor on Stradella Basses. I use a method that starts and ends on the same finger so that you can play 2 or more octaves without having to fudge the fingering in the middle.
Here is the music with the fingering on – as usual 5=little finger, 4=ring, 3=middle and 2=index
Notes with a line over them are to be played on the counterbass row.

Stradella Bass Melodic Minor Scale Diagrams
Start with your 3rd finger on A, then play B on the Counterbass row with your 4th, and C with your 5th back on the Bass row.

Now play D and E with 3 and 5

Next it’s F# and G# with 3 and 2 – all on the counterbass row, and back to A with the 3rd on the Bass row.

Then you descend all on the bass row: G with 4 and F with 5

Play E and D with 4 and 3

And to finish play C, B, A – it’s the same as F, E, D but one button nearer the ceiling – use 5, 4, 3 again and you are back where you started!

That’s it – so Good Luck and thanks for looking – Practice, practice, practice!
I stumbled on your site by accident but it’s brilliant and all of your tips and videos are extremely useful. I am really enjoying all of the bass scales – so far I’ve only been using the major scale so to find all of the minor and chromatic stuff is fab!
Thank you!
Hi Anne – that’s great, thank you. I’m just writing a “Chromatic post” now with diagrams etc to go with the video.
hopefully it’ll be up today!