
Musician for hire!


I have been a self-employed musician for over 20 years, mostly playing the accordion. My way of making a living as a working musician without being famous or selling shed loads of records (not that I would object to either) is to do lots of different things – which I love anyway! I play many styles of music on my own and with groups of different sizes. I write, accompany, transcribe, arrange and record music. I run workshops, sessions and sing-alongs and I call for dancing at twmpaths ceilidhs and barn dances. I work with theatre and drama groups, film makers and advertisers,  do everything from costumed walk-about at fairs and events to electronic soundscapes.


Original Minimoog from 1976 - it came from Germany so I like to think it could be on a Kraftwerk recording!
Original Minimoog from 1976 – it came from Germany so I like to think it could be on a Kraftwerk recording!

I also own and play lots of different equipment and instruments: Keyboards galore including an original 1970’s minimoog, double bass, penny whistle, guitars, mandolins and my home-built slide guitars, not to mention various sizes of PA and live recording gear.


Jack of all Trades

I am always interested in projects or ideas so whatever your musical needs get in touch and ask – even if I can’t I may well know someone who can, and being a “one-person-jack-of-all-musical-trades” means I’m often more competitive (cheaper!) than going through companies and agents.

My double bass was in three pieces when I bought it for £30 in the 80's
My double bass was in three pieces when I bought it for £30 in the 80’s
Some of my whistles and flutes - the three on the right are homemade
Some of my whistles and flutes – the three on the right are home-made